Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

09-29-2021 6:29 AM

Practicing Compassion - Day 3

09-29-2021 6:29 AM
09-29-2021 6:29 AM

This week, we’ll be practicing the act of compassion. Dallas Bible Church partners with Compassion International to mobilize our body in helping to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. This mobilization involves encouraging individual monthly sponsorships and organizing annual mission trips to minister to the kids we sponsor.

In April 2021, DBC began to partner with Compassion as we took on sponsorships for 100+ kids! Today, we want to call you to pray specifically for the country and people of Guatemala.

Let’s spend a few minutes getting to know Guatemala here, here, and here

Now, let’s go to the Lord in prayer for these things:

  1. The children of Guatemala, for their protection from drug and sex trafficking, gangs, and child labor.
  2. The tribes of Guatemala who have yet to hear about Jesus or have a Bible in their own language.
  3. The leadership of Guatemala, as they rebuild from 36 years of civil war.
  4. The people of Guatemala, that Jesus will make himself known in powerful ways.
  5. For violence to cease.
  6. For hope to reign in areas of great suffering.
  7. For the church to grow and prosper there.


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