Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

11-02-2021 10:12 AM


11-02-2021 10:12 AM
11-02-2021 10:12 AM

We will enter into God’s presence through His holy Word today. If you can, give yourself 15 minutes to just be with God. Set a timer and put everything else away except for you, your Bible, and the device you’re reading this on. We’re going to meditate on the absurd and overwhelming generosity of God.

Let’s start: “God, you are good and you are true. You’ve given me your Word as a gift. Thank you that I can know you. Thank you that I can worship you. Open my mind to your truth as I contemplate your rich generosity toward me. Open my eyes, calm the distractions, and let me see you.”

Now, let’s read from Psalm 136:1-8 in the NET (New English Translation):

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his loyal love endures. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his loyal love endures. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his loyal love endures, to the one who performs magnificent, amazing deeds all by himself, for his loyal love endures, to the one who used wisdom to make the heavens, for his loyal love endures, to the one who spread out the earth over the water, for his loyal love endures, to the one who made the great lights, for his loyal love endures, the sun to rule by day, for his loyal love endures, the moon and stars to rule by night, for his loyal love endures...

Hopefully you picked up the theme of the psalm in these first eight verses! The psalmist is fixated on God’s enduring, loyal love, known in Hebrew as “hesed.” Spend a few minutes looking at this article and exploring the dimensions of this incredible word. Write down what you discover. Now, let’s spend some time meditating on God’s ineffable love toward His people.

  • Ponder this: The Creator God who is above all and beyond all possesses a rich, overflowing, compassionate, enduring, kind, action-oriented love for YOU. You. Worship Him for his love toward you. Thank Him and praise Him.
  • Ponder this: His love is never-ending. It began before you were born and will continue after you die. Sit in awe at the character of God and His eternal, unchanging, loving nature.

Now go in joy and peace and generosity.


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