Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

05-15-2022 8:25 AM

Virtue #4 COURAGEOUS - Discussion Guide for Groups

05-15-2022 8:25 AM
05-15-2022 8:25 AM

Examine the Word

  • Read Psalm 31:19-24
  • Read 2 Timothy 1:6-12

For Discussion

  • How would you define the word “courageous”? How have you seen someone exhibit godly courage recently? How has God been calling you to act courageously?
  • In Psalm 31, David ends with an exhortation to “be strong and take heart” (v. 24). What does he talk about in verses 19-23 that allow him to conclude like this? In other words, what fortifies our ability to be courageous?
  • Courage does not mean that we’ve mastered fear but that we’ve placed fear in its proper prioritization, underneath the sovereignty and kingship of Jesus. Be honest with your group. What are some fears you currently have? How can you acknowledge them while submitting them to Jesus at the same time?
  • Courage is ultimately a gift of the Holy Spirit. In 2 Timothy 1, Paul says that the Spirit gives “power, love, self discipline.” How are these necessary elements to combatting fear and acting courageously?

For Practice

  • Act: It’s not unusual for the Spirit of God to prompt us to act courageously. Is there anything God has been urging you to do that you have ignored because it’s risky? Ask a friend to hold you accountable to obey God this week.
  • List: Write down all of the ways Jesus chose courage over comfort/fear. Ask God to make you like His Son, who always chose the courageous (though difficult) route.
  • Pray: Ask God not to remove your fears but to help you prioritize them under Him. Name your fears and ask Him to carry them for you.

For Family Discussions

  • What does courage look like in your everyday life?
  • Talk about some of the things that make you afraid. How can you pray for each other to trust God in those fears and act in courage when He brings an opportunity?


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