Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

11-03-2021 4:13 AM


11-03-2021 4:13 AM
11-03-2021 4:13 AM

This week, we’re in Practice #6: Serve with Generosity. Today, we will take inventory of the “treasure” God has given us. Grab a piece of paper and a pen to take notes. Remember - everything we have has been entrusted to us to be used for His glory and purposes. 

Physical and Financial “Treasures”

Spend a few minutes writing down the resources that God has given to you, including your material possessions (house, clothes, car, food) and financial provisions.

  • Let’s pray: “God, help me to reorient my life according to your Word. You tell me that LIFE is not found in the abundance of my possessions but in knowing Jesus. May I know that, deep down. I confess my idolatry of money and things. I worship You, the God of the universe.” Sit in confession and repentance.
  • Let's pray: “God, if I am a steward of your gifts, let me know how I can serve you this week. Bring to mind a person or situation for which I can give of my physical and financial resources. Make me a cheerful giver.”

Educational & Talent-Based “Treasures”

Spend a few minutes writing down the skills, talents, experience, and education that you’ve been granted. List out all the ways that these can be used to advance the Kingdom of God.

  • Let’s pray: “Father, you have given me countless opportunities to learn and grow. Thank you! Would you give me a holy imagination for how these ‘treasures’ can be used to serve your Kingdom purposes? Show me others who I can pour myself into, train, and mentor - all for your glory!”

Spiritual “Treasures”

Finally, spend a few minutes writing down what has been given to you as a person who has faith in Jesus (the list will be long!).

  • Let’s pray: “God, I marvel at your goodness to me. You’ve granted me ____________ in your Son Jesus. Thank you! Give me a heart of gratitude and generosity.”
  • Let’s pray: “Lord, if I am a steward of your gifts, let me know how I can serve you this week. Bring to mind a person or situation for which I can give of my spiritual ‘treasures.’ Make me eager to tell others about Jesus.”


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