We desire to engage 70% of our church body over the next year in mission by empowering our small groups to prayerfully discern how to best invest a total of $75,000 in a way “that brings joy of our city and glory to God.”

General Information

Our goal is to have our church members engaged in the process of discerning God’s leading and being obedient to carry out whatever it is He leads us to do. We want to know what our members are passionate about, and we want you to be the ones who discern the needs and deliver the blessings to our community. We desire to be a "multiplying, mission-minded family."

Dallas Bible small groups are invited to apply for grants to invest in programs and/or projects throughout our community.

Grant applications will be available in the church’s main office or by downloading a PDF here. Applications must be received by October 9, 2022

All proposed work/service-based projects must be completed by December 31, 2022.

Grants awarded will range from $100 to $3000 based on need, parameters meet, and request received. Grants will be disbursed based on the following categories:

  • Education & Personal Development—local schools or groups/organizations that provide academic or self-improvement opportunities for individuals to achieve personal success
  • City Transformation—local/regional parks or organizations that bring change and emprovements to our community and cities.
  • Families at Risk—programs designed to lift women and children out of three key areas: danger, poverty, illiteracy
  • Crisis Response—local groups that provide crisis relief and redevelopment through timely and strategic mobilization
  • Church Planting—support to see life-giving, grace-based, churches established and growing around our city
  • Medical Care & Support—organizations who support for those facing life-altering medical conditions.
  • Restoration & Recovery—elevating mental and physical well-being through supportive environments and recovery programs.

Each awarded small group may be asked to share their story with the church on Thanksgiving Sunday (November 27, 2022) in an edifying way. Presentations may involve video and other media.