Foundations Blog
We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: “A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.”
Practicing Compassion - Day 4
This week, we’ll be practicing the act of compassion. Dallas Bible Church partners with Compassion International to mobilize our body in helping to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. This mobilization involves encouraging individual monthly sponsorships and organizing annual mission trips to minister to the kids we sponsor
In April 2021, DBC began to partner with Compassion as we took on sponsorships for 100+ kids! Today, let’s consider how passion for God and compassion for others lead to a life of generous giving.
Giving is very near to the heart of God, as it is a sign of our faith in him. We see this call to giving early on in the story of Israel. Join me in Deuteronomy 26:1-11. The people of Israel are entering the land of Canaan, a land “flowing with milk and honey,” a land of great bounty and peace. The land has been given to them as a gift, “an inheritance” from the Lord that was promised all the way back in Genesis when God told Abraham that he would make him into a great nation with a special land (Gen 15:18). Yahweh tells his people how they are to honor him in this new land. They are to gather the first crops of each season, bring them to the priest, and have them presented on the altar of the Lord.
Yet, most striking in this passage is not what the Israelites are to do but how they are to do it. When they make this presentation to the Lord, they are to recite the story of God’s faithfulness to Israel - how he heard their cries, saw their oppression in Israel, delivered them miraculously, and granted them a fruitful land. And, then they are to rejoice “in all the good things the Lord [their] God has given to [them].” Reciting and rejoicing. That’s the way that the Lord teaches his people to give. They are to give out of a heart that is eager to recite His faithfulness and eager to rejoice in His provision.
Reflect on your own history of giving. Do you have a heart eager to recite your testimony of God’s work in our life? Are you overflowing with gratitude for the abundance He has provided?
Examine your heart, confess your sins, and draw near to God (James 4:8). And his Spirit will produce in you great generosity, given out of a cheerful heart (2 Cor 9:6-7).
Specifically, how can you give generously toward the work of Christ-centered compassion?
Here are some suggestions:
- Pray about the opportunity to join the rest of DBC in sponsoring a child. You can find out more here.
- Keep your eyes open for ways to bless those in need in your community. It may mean serving with For the Nations Refugee Outreach. It may mean joining our DBC Food Pantry team. It may include donating toward DBC local missionaries.
- Consider a one-month “generosity challenge.” As an individual or family, decide to forego a usual luxury such as dinner at a restaurant or new clothing. Give that money to someone you know who has a financial need (or donate to the DBC benevolence fund to care for someone in your own church body).
When we give, incredible things take place. We find our needs fulfilled, our appetites sated. We find that God himself is enough. We find that a life of generosity is a life of deep joy. Think with me about the woman who poured out her alabaster jar of perfume upon Jesus’ feet (Matt 26:6-13). The disciples were worried about her use of such an expensive item: “Why this waste? This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” And, yet, Jesus saw the gift as “beautiful,” given out of a heart of generosity toward God.
Published on 09-30-2021 @ 4:30 AM CDT