Foundations Blog

We’re in a new series called “Foundations” which builds off of Jesus’ metaphor in Matt 7: A house built on sand will never be able to stand BUT a house that’s built on the rock will never be able to fall.

03-13-2022 8:57 AM

Belief #8 IDENTITY AND PURPOSE - Discussion Guide for Groups

03-13-2022 8:57 AM
03-13-2022 8:57 AM

Begin in prayer, welcoming the Holy Spirit, inviting Him to lead, guide, and convict. Then, reflect on the sermon. What were some highlights? Was anything particularly helpful, convicting, or confusing?

Examine the Word

  • Read Ephesians 1:4-8; 1 Corinthians 6:17, 19-20
  • Read 1 Peter 2:9

For Discussion

  • The affirmation for this week is “I believe God created me with value, dignity, and purpose.” How true is that of you? Pick one of those three words and share with others how God has encouraged and taught you in that area.
  • As a follower of Christ, what is your new identity? Use Ephesians 1 to get specific.
  • Talk about the value of the physical body (1 Cor 6). How does this inform the way that we use our bodies? How is the way that we use our bodies a testimony of our faith in Jesus?
  • The New Testament mainly talks about identity in plural terms, for those of us who have become members of the body of Christ through faith. What does 1 Peter 2:9 say about us, the church? Talk about the ways we can improve and grow in living this out.
  • If you had to write a purpose statement for your life, what would you include in it?

For Practice

  • Love: Jesus told us that our main purpose is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And…love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:36-40). This week, what is one tangible thing you can do to love God and love a neighbor?
  • Learn: One of the ways to show value to someone is to appreciate and care for them in ways that are specific to their personalities and preferences. Pick someone in your life (a friend, spouse, child) and ask them how you can practically show them that you value them? Take notes and then implement that behavior.
  • Identity: Pick one of the above verses on identity in Christ, write/type it out, and put it in a place where you’ll regularly see and read it.

For Family Discussions

  • Talk about the sermon together. What did you learn that was new? Were there any parts that were confusing?
  • Ask your kids where people like to find their identities (in academics, ethnicity, performance, athletics, sexuality/gender, religion, etc.). What does it look like to be identified first and foremost as a child of God? How does that identity bring joy and freedom?


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